

Learn how to design and coach a posture-based training program for optimal movement!

12-Week Applied Biomechanics Course & Practical Experience

If you've landed on this page, I'd be willing to bet you fit into one of these groups:

A coach/trainer with a few years of experience who wants to separate themselves from their peers.

An experienced rehab professional who wants some new tools to help "complex" patients.

A movement enthusiast with movement limitations that can't seem to connect the dots.

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place... And I've also been in your shoes.

Let me introduce myself:

Greg Chaplin, PT, DPT, CSCS

I got into movement back in 2009 after a nerve injury left me unable to pursue my dream of playing music. I started as a trainer, then went on to earn my doctorate in PT, and now specialize in asymmetry management. My goal is to help you build rehab and training programs to optimize movement!

As someone who has been in the shoes of a trainer, provider, and patient, I offer a unique perspective!

And I can’t wait to share my insights from the last 13+ years with you!

And over these years I’ve been through all the experiences that brought you to this page.

My goal with TBR is to help you overcome these... So, you can reach your full potential, regardless of what brought you here!

Do any of these problems sound familiar?

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Not knowing the best way to help your clients & patients

Losing clients to more experienced or specialized movement professionals 

Not getting the respect 

(or pay) you deserve

Not being able to progress in your program due to asymmetry or recurrent flare-ups/injuries

These are the issues facing movement professionals today...

And unfortunately, everyone suffers.

Let’s face it, improving movement is no easy task. And the industry is full of movement pros who want to take the easy way out...

You’ll see one-size-fits-all approaches woven into compelling stories... Approaches that work for some people, some of the time...

But when these don’t work for you or your clients, you likely did what I did!

You took matters into your own hands, spending hours researching biomechanical models.

But this is often leads to more confusion instead of clarity... And this is no mistake!

The current applications of posture and biomechanics training suffer from a few issues...

They are too confusing.

They don't scale.

They apply a one-size-fits-all approach.

Those complicated floor-based drills aren't going to get you (or your clients) anywhere!

All this causes you (or your clients) to become confused, overwhelmed and afraid to move!

Instead, we need to take a different approach that:

Simplifies the biomechanics.

Integrates these principles into progressive training.

Allows for unbiased assessment and intervention.

Introducing Total Body Restoration

A Posture-Based Applied Biomechanics Course and Group Experience

In 12 Weeks, you'll learn to apply the principles of posture and breathing to rehab and training!

We will be taking you through:

The Basic Science

Universal Principles



Program Design

And you'll have the chance to experience it for yourself through our team training programs. During the process, you'll learn how to modify our programs to fit your body!

And by the end of our time together, you'll be able to design and coach posture-based training programs!

We'll give you all the support you need along the way to be able to learn and integrate the concepts.

Through successful application of these methods, you'll improve movement limitations that others can't!

Limitations like my client Jeremy



"It's a Miracle!"

“I was suffering from chronic pain all down the entire right side of my body. Chiropractors, yoga, physical therapy... nothing worked for me. Greg helped me understand how my body was positioned in a three-dimensional space — something that I had never found in another therapy program. I'm able to work again, participate in life again, I'm Pain-Free… It's really a miracle!"


Occupational Therapist

"I have achieved all my goals & more..."

I was hospitalized for a serious injury that left me immobile. I saw several PTs, but I didn’t get results. My goals were to be able to walk a block, drive, and do basic activities without pain. With Chaplin Performance, I have achieved all my goals and much more. I have more muscle strength than I did before my injuries. Greg guided me to trust my body, let go of the fear, and believe in myself again.


Aesthetician & Mom

"I can finally play with my son without pain!"

"I saw 4 different physical therapists and it wasn't working out. I could no longer work out, do lashes, or bend over to pick up my son. I couldn't even buckle the car-seat without pain. Greg gave me cues I had never received before... like how to position my foot and breathe in a way that allowed my body to support itself.

I'm now able to play with my son, do regular mom things, clean, cook, load up the car... without pain!"

If you've made it this far, you're probably wondering what's included in this program...

For starters, you'll get lifetime access to 6 core modules, each of which builds on the other.

These are the foundational principles of my model. They are a living, breathing collection of my approach to rehab and training.

As a lifetime member, you'll get an inside look into how I change and adapt my model over time.




The Art & Science of Posture & Breathing

Effortless Movement Rhythm & Perception

Shifting Space to Unlock Mobility

To start out, you'll learn the core neurological and biomechanical aspects of posture.

We'll cover the key breathing assessments and essential techniques.

Here you'll learn how to assess axial position and master foundational postures & patterns.

We also dive into principles of gait, rhythm, and effort in human movement.

Learn how to shift space in the sagittal plane to unlock mobility.

You'll learn key sagittal plane repositioning drills, mobility progressions, and training applications.




Managing Asymmetry
Tri-Planar Awareness

Putting it All Together

Changes that "Stick"Distal-Proximal Integration

Learn the programming principles to design and coach your own posture-based training program. 

Apply your knowledge from the previous modules to craft a program that optimizes results for you and your clients. 

Assess, progress and integrate frontal and transverse plane activities. 

Understand the best cues to help balance the left & right sides!

Learn to coordinate extremity movement and distal cues with existing proximal movement competencies for lasting changes. 

At the same time, I'll also be running a group training program for you if you elect to join!

We will be going through two programs, and you'll have the ability to join for FREE during your first 12 weeks. And if for some reason you can't join, you'll be able to access these programs at a significant discount later on!

Program 1: A 12-Week Restorative Exercise Program

Program 2: A 12-Week Progressive Strength & Conditioning Program

In the Restorative Program, you'll experience progressive neuromuscular re-training. This program will compliment all the concepts you'll learn inside of the core modules!

We will be going through all my favorite restorative drills, and you'll see how I program these!

At the same time, the Strength & Conditioning Program will be a venue for integration. You'll see how I structure strength training and conditioning in a 3-phase format.

Phase 1: Movement Preparation

Phase 2: Accumulation

Phase 3: Intensification

In this phase, you'll build qualities that improve:

  • Movement variability
  • Nervous system regulation
  • Oxidative capacity
  • Recovery

In this phase, you'll build qualities that improve:

  • Tissue capacity
  • Muscle hypertrophy/mass
  • General strength and force production
  • Glycolytic & Oxidative Capacity

In this phase, you'll build qualities that improve:

  • Tissue resilience
  • Strength & Power
  • Glycolytic Capacity & Phosphocreatine Utilization

Each of these phases have intermediate and beginner options. And within each exercise is the option for at least 2 substitutions... so you can customize them to fit your body!

Yup, you legit have no excuse not to join!

Alright, now listen I haven't even gotten to the bonuses yet and I know what I am offering you is an insane value...

We will chat more about some of those awesome goodies below and through the launch process.

But I'm going to break it to you now that this program is not another course. And it's not another plug-and-play templated workout from your favorite influencer.

This is the culmination of my 13+ years of experience. Experience healing my own body from chronic nerve dysfunction. Experience working with high-profile clientele. And experience helping those "complex patients."

Everything I do is high-value. And to be honest, I wish it wasn't... Life would be a lot easier if I could sell you a 12-week cookie-cutter mobility program that took a week to make.

But see, I'm not in this to sell you something you are going to look at once and throw away. I'm here to help you help the people who really need it, whether that's you, your clients, or your patients.

And so if you are someone who's going to look at the price and shy away, please leave now. We don't want you because you aren't serious enough. Sorry.

But for those who are willing to invest in their skills, health and performance, this is a STEAL.

You'll learn all the concepts, get all the support, and have access to my programs... For a little more than a weekend seminar!

Yup, if you wanted to learn the concepts covered here, it'd run you in the thousands... And if you wanted to work with me once a week one-on-one, you'd be paying $1000/month.

But you can get this program for a lifetime for less than a single month of coaching when you pay in full today.







Limited to 3 slots.

Includes a weekly

60-minute individual mentorship call

Pay in Full Investment

3-Pay Monthly Payment Plan Investment

If you are on the fence about making this decision, you're crazy... No just kidding. I get it.

You've likely taken courses before and thought it was going to be great only to learn it wasn't what you'd hoped for!

And that's why I am offering a 

30-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee. 

Not what you thought it was?

Email us within 30 days and we will refund you 

no questions asked.

And if that wasn't enough to get you over the fence, I've got some cool bonuses that surely will!

BONUS 1: Chaplin Performance Exercise Library

BONUS 2: Training Volume Calculator Template

BONUS 3: Everything You Need to Know About Pain

BONUS 4: Rehab Mindset

Finding the right exercise demo video for your program just got a lot easier!

I have hundreds of exercises recorded in 4k for your programming needs. Each video is ~ 1 minute and contains all the precise biomechanical cues you need.

Need to throw it into a program? Click on the link and copy and paste it into a spreadsheet or your program builder.

Better yet, use the exercise videos as a reference to create your own cues and coaching model.

Those who are successful in training know how they are progressing. The more concrete and mathematical you can make it, the better!

That's why I've included an excel template that calculates your volume for you! Input your exercises into the days, record your outputs and RPEs and view your totals in real time.

This is a great way to build a one-off program for yourself or clients. It also allows you to categorize movements and gives you feedback on the "macros" of your training. Use it to see trends in movement patterns and volume distribution.

If you don't understand pain, it can be a major roadblock to recovery for you or your clients.

This module will help you get up to date on everything you need to know about pain. 

We review simple frameworks for managing setbacks working with your pain to take the friction out of the recovery process.

Remember, biomechanics only solve biomechanical problems. Integrate these insights and remove the frustration from the rehab & training process. 

Improving movement is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. 

I’ve spent years diving deep into psychology and wisdom traditions to distill key insights for you.

Many of my clients tell me the mindset work has made as big of a difference as the movement itself. 

So if your mindset is getting in the way of improving movement, this might be the missing ingredient! 

BONUS 5: Resonance Frequency Guide

BONUS 6: Restorative Exercise Templates

BONUS 7: Anatomy Review

Nervous system regulation is an important part of movement training, especially for those with chronic limitations. 

Breathwork alone is a powerful tool. But finding your resonant frequency can further optimize the process. 


Here you'll learn how to test for your personalized resonant frequency. 

Find the best rate and rhythm for you or your clients to aide in recovery and tension reduction.

Building a restorative exercise program shouldn't be complicated. And honestly, it isn't!

But programming them needs to fit the goals of you or your client. 

Here you'll learn the exact ways that I program restorative exercises. 

Just select the right structure for the situation. And use the "themes" to better organize and prioritize your exercise selection.


Let's face it, having a deep understanding of anatomy is invaluable for rehab and training. That will never change! 

But I firmly believe that with a distilled model, we can minimize this barrier. 

With that said, you will need to have some level of understanding of the terms we use in this program. 

So if you are worried about not being able to keep up, worry no more. 

Here I've compiled a list of key anatomical terms for your reference. 


An Offer You Can't Refuse...?

I know that was a lot to take in... So, here's the breakdown of what you'll get when you enroll:

Lifetime Access to the 6 Core Modules to take your biomechanics knowledge to the next level.

Weekly (12) Live Group Calls so you can clarify concepts and deepen your understanding. 

Plus, call archives for your review in case you can't make it!

The 5 Bonuses to fill in the gaps and make implementation easy! 

Access to the two 12-Week Team Training Programs so you can experience it for yourself!

Access to a Private Community of like-minded individuals so you can connect & share.

Plus, all future updates and special member offers!





3-Pay Monthly Payment Plan Investment

Pay-in-Full Investment

Still undecided? - Let's talk about it.

If you've read this far and still haven't enrolled, you're likely still on the fence.

And if the reason is that you have more questions, then pay attention to your email and join our community. Inside you'll have all the opportunity to get them answered before we close the doors.

I've also listed out the most common questions below in the FAQ section... so go check em' out. 

But if you know this will help you or your clients and still can't make a decision, I want to help!

Listen, I've been "that guy" before... I get it. You might be telling yourself the familiar stories of "it's too much money." Or "do I need another course." Or "I'll just watch more free videos on Youtube."

And I get all these thoughts because I've had them before...

But as the saying goes, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is..." Well yeah, the definition of insanity!

So if you know that you want different results, it's time to take action.

And what I've found for myself, clients, and patients is that this is the line in the sand.

The people who get results take action. Period.

They commit to the process because they know that they will show up. 

They know that you get out what you are willing to put in.

So, at this point, I want you to decide what kind of person you are... OR what type of person you are going to become.

Do you want to set yourself apart and get your best results yet?

YES, let's do this!

No, I'll stay the same. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does this course qualify for CEUs?

Right now, this course is not available for CEUs. I will be updating the course and gathering feedback from the next several cohorts. I plan on submitting this course for CEUs in the future and will do everything possible to allow you to use them.

2. Will my insurance cover this program?

Some insurance companies offer a wellness credit. You can see if this qualifies by speaking with your insurance company.

3. How much knowledge of anatomy do I need?

I have tried my best to make this accessible to those of all levels. With that said, you should be willing to learn terminology or have a background in movement. You'll have access to a bonus with the key terms so that you can learn as you go. An ideal member will already know basic kinesiology and anatomy.

4. Does this program address the Left AIC Pattern or other commonly described patterns?

This program does not discuss this pattern in these terms. Instead, we use right vs. left lateralization as distinctions in the asymmetry presentations. This allows for a more "open" and unbiased approach to asymmetry management.

5. Can I buy the Restorative or Strength & Conditioning Programs separate? And if so, what is the cost?

As of this launch, these programs are exclusive for TBR members. I may offer these in the future, but I've yet to determine the price. TBR members get access for free during their first 12 weeks. After the program, they can access these for a discounted monthly subscription.

6. Will this program improve my posture?

We are using posture as the lens to look at assessing and progressing movement. With that said, posture is a loaded concept. What might be pleasing for aesthetics might not be awesome for optimal movement. This program will teach you to assess and restore movement options. Your resting posture may change but it also might not. The best chance you have at improving posture is to improve the underlying qualities that contribute to posture. With that said, if your primary concern is aesthetic, this program isn't for you. 


All information provided in this program is for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for the assessment and treatment of a licensed medical provider. We are not treating anyone.

There are risks associated with any exercise program. These include injuries to tendons, ligaments, bones. These also include more serious risks such as heart attack, stroke, and death. These are rare but may be more likely in the case of underlying health conditions. If there is any doubt, please consult with your healthcare provider to clear you for participation.

Copyright Chaplin Performance © 2024. All Rights Reserved.